Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Always, Life is War

Whilst listening to a preview of “Indelible Grace IV: Beams of Heaven", I came across the following quote by John Piper and, given my present pastoral context, it is both encouraging and sobering. Why would we ever expect that the war has subsided this side of His Kingdom fully come? So it is. Thank God He, our Father, leads, reigns, and sustains.

“Life is war. That’s not all it is, but it is always that.” We are in a battle, but not against flesh and blood. Christ is our champion and we are called to follow Him as His kingdom advances upon the parasite kingdom of Satan. Our encouragement is His promise that the gates of Hell will not stand. - John Piper in “Let The Nations Be Glad”

Note: Indelible Grace IV features 15 hymns performed by Sandra McCracken, Matthew Perryman Jones, Matthew Smith, Derek Webb and a number of other folks who merit a listen. If you want, you can hear the preview the CD release here.

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